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Can a self-employed person get a home loan in South Africa?

 How to get a home loan when you are self-employed Can a self-employed person get a home loan in South Africa? The simple answer is yes. But the bank or the financial institute will have certain requirements that self-employed person has to meet.  These are similar to the rules that registered companies must follow. The moment you earn an extra income, the South African Revenue Service sees it as a business income and you are expected to have financial statements and pay taxes.  Before you apply for a home loan, first find out what amount you qualify. Determine exactly what the bank would need from you before you apply. This would speed up the process and the bank doesn't have to wait for outstanding documents that you probably don't have and still have to search for. If you're applying for a home loan as a self-employed person , then these tips can streamline the process and increase your chances of approval. These are the things to do before you apply for the home loan....

When money whispers your name and you don't know what the heck it's saying

Money is such a emotional thing. It evokes good and bad emotions in us. When have it, we feel happy and carefree, when we don't have it, we become depressed and unhappy; when there's really nothing going around, we become desperate and disheartened; and when we think someone has more of it than us, it fills us with envy.

People have done terrible things for money. Don't be one of them. Some people would do everything for it, while others get easily impressed by fools who flaunt their money. But like it or not, money evokes emotions in us that we don't always want to admit.

I love money. I like to have it and to spend it. I like the feeling it gives me when I can do something for someone else because I have the money to do so. I love the joy it gives when I give it to someone who didn't expect it. I love the lifestyle it can buy me and the freedom it gives me. Having money gives you confidence and it opens door to you that otherwise would've remained completely shut. ANd money gives me choices on what to buy and where to buy it.

I hate not having money. I hate it to be broke. There's a big difference between broke and being poor. Being broke means you're just going through a phase of not having money for the things you usually spend your money on. Being poor means you are stuck in a permanent place of never having money for anything you really want to buy. And I've lived through both.

If you think being broke is bad, try being poor. It stinks. It's depressing, humiliating, soul-sucking and it kills your spirit day after day. If you want to learn how to hate, try being poor. You end up in a space where you just hate. You hate your circumstances, yourself, you hate everything that has caused you to arrive at that specific point in that exact moment. Oh, and you learn to regret all those moments you had money and you just wasted it on useless things, instead of the things that would've really make a difference in your life.

Moving from poor to broke is a step up because now you have broke spells with money in between. And once you've tasted money again it fills you with a determination you never thought you had. Because no way in hell will you ever go back to being poor.

I thought I knew what broke was, but when I lost everything and lived in poverty in the suburbs, broke suddenly didn't seem so bad any more. Having nothing after living a life of fair comfort can destroy you. But if you are strong enough, determined enough, resilient enough, you will get out of it. And you need prayers. A lot of it.

And you will need help. Accept it, but just be very careful who you take it from. Make sure that you don't have to pay a too high price for the help that is being offered to you. Being poor makes you desperate. Don't allow the desperation to cloud your judgement. And trust your instincts. At all times. Your gut never lies.

I can say with conviction that you will get out of the cycle of poverty. Doors do open, little by little, one at a time. Be ready when they open and have the courage and wisdom to walk through the right door.

You deserve the joy that money brings and you deserve the freedom money brings. Do not let poverty rob you off that dream.

Photo by Oliver Sjöström from Pexels
