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Can a self-employed person get a home loan in South Africa?

 How to get a home loan when you are self-employed Can a self-employed person get a home loan in South Africa? The simple answer is yes. But the bank or the financial institute will have certain requirements that self-employed person has to meet.  These are similar to the rules that registered companies must follow. The moment you earn an extra income, the South African Revenue Service sees it as a business income and you are expected to have financial statements and pay taxes.  Before you apply for a home loan, first find out what amount you qualify. Determine exactly what the bank would need from you before you apply. This would speed up the process and the bank doesn't have to wait for outstanding documents that you probably don't have and still have to search for. If you're applying for a home loan as a self-employed person , then these tips can streamline the process and increase your chances of approval. These are the things to do before you apply for the home loan....

Why do you need a bookkeeper?

Business owners often ask why do they need a bookkeeper.

I mean, all a bookkeeper really does is load your receipts and capture information that you sent her or him. It sounds easy enough and not complicated at all.

You need a bookkeeper to create the right type of accounts for your business financial records so you can have the right overview of your business.

I also thought getting a bookkeeper is a luxury, when in fact it was a necessity.

We had an electrical company and no bookkeeper. I just thought it was a waste of money that we didn’t really have and it’s not that difficult to keep track of our finances. It wasn’t as if we were making millions. That was business mistake number one. 

No matter how much money we made, we just never seemed to grow or to be left with anything between the last client and the next. 

We delivered excellent service to our clients, our prices were reasonable and our clients were really happy with our service. So, why didn’t we have enough money if things were that good?

That was the question that bugged me the most. We did everything right but our finances told a completely different story. We were just getting by no matter how much money we were making.

The answer was simple: we were not managing our business finances. I had no idea how much we were really making, how much we were spending and what we made in a given month. Checking your bank statement doesn’t count for record keeping. I thought it did but looking at your transactions afterwards is already an indication that you’re not on the right track.

We also thought by keeping our slips in a neat little file is enough to keep track of our finances, and hopefully we’ll just remember where the money went. That didn't work out so well.

Do you know that feeling of combing your bank statements afterwards and trying to remember where you have spent what money? That was us all the time.

Knowing what I know now I can see all the many ways on how we wasted money, not because we were extravagant but simply because we thought we could do it on our own, and figure things out as we go along.

You won’t have to fear or hate SARS

To answer your question on why you need a bookkeeper: it will relieve the stress when submitting your tax returns and you will sleep better at night.

You won’t have to fear or hate SARS because your bookkeeper will prepare your documents to submit your tax returns.

But the big advantage will be that you can see exactly where your money is going. You will be able to get an overview of your business at the click of a button. You can keep track of who owes you what and for long. 

Do you know how empowering it is to click on any account and see exactly how much you’ve been spending on stationery, petrol and refreshments? That’s the knowledge you’ll have at your fingertips once your bookkeeper has created these accounts for you. 

A good bookkeeper does more than just your books. You get peace of mind, and the comfort that you know exactly where your money is going. You’re in business to make money and to provide for your family. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to give account of every cent you’re making and to make better financial decisions? 

It is shocking and depressing when you check your bank statement to see how much money you’ve wasted on useless things that you can’t even remember afterwards.

I’m not saying getting a bookkeeper will change your spending habits but it will open your eyes to where and how you’re spending your money. It might open your eyes to how within reach you are of your financial goals if you can become aware of your spending.

You need a bookkeeper to do your numbers so you can focus on your business. Don’t wait until the business is making money before you invest in a bookkeeper. Get one from the very beginning. It will be one of the best investments you will ever make. And you will reap the rewards. 

I am Olivia Sambo from Profits and Books Bookkeeping Services in Pretoria. We are the bookkeepers near you. Let us do your books while you do your business.


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